Steam ranger commercial steam generator

Steam ranger commercial steam generator
+1 224 442 4663 IL +1 715 890 8088 WI Call us for free consultation
  • Our steam generators are made in canada, and designed for quiet and efficient operation 
  • Contact us with your room dimensions to confirm the correct model for your steam bath 
  • Bregueti touch pad control can be upgraded with an infrared thermometer, and a remote-control option is available. 
  • Standard chrome steam head is included. Contact us about custom options, including brushed nickel, oil rubbed broze, or gold finish. Steam head is round, square, or a hexagon. 
  • Auto flush cleans the line after use to prevent bacteria buildup. Upgrade to cleaning to extend the life of your steam generator. Cooling is available for sensitive septic systems.

Steam sauna steam generators are engineered with quality and durable components to provide you the comfort of knowing they will perform in generating soothing steam, each and every time. Steam sauna is simply one of the best names in the industry with a reputation for quality, dependability, and innovative designs to complement any steam shower or steam room.

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