Tile installation services

In modern renovation, one of the most popular facing materials is ceramic tiles. It can beplaced on walls, floors, bathrooms, and kitchens. Laying tiles is a complex process thatrequires special knowledge, so it is better to order such services from qualifiedspecialists. ABC Home Expert provides the services of professional tilers: the best in theworld who work with tiles of any quality, pay attention to details, understand theimportance of this process.

The installation of tiles by ABC Home Expert specialists has noticeable differences andadvantages over competitors in the industry:

  • The tile lies nicely and evenly.
  • Cuts are neat and accurate.
  • We seal the tiles.
  • We perfectly carry out grouting.

We guarantee that your tile will look perfect for a long time and will last for more than adozen years.

How we work

Professional tiling is divided into such stages:

Preparation of the base

The surface should be flat, if there are flaws, then they need to be leveled. If the base iscement, then it must be primed so that the adhesion to the glue is strong. It is important totake care of the lighting so that the master can complete all the details with high quality.


Before starting work, markup is performed by the sketch, especially if the material has anon-standard or complex pattern. It is done with an adhesive solution using a cord. Also,door jambs and skirting boards are dismantled, after which a preliminary layout is done.This should be done to see in advance where section trimming is required, as well as toassess the overall appearance.


After carrying out the above procedures, the final laying of the tile takes place.

Let's mark the features of tile-laying by ABC Home Expert professionals:

  1. We carry out equally high-quality laying of tiles from porcelain, stone, ceramics.
  2. We use materials of all sizes and shapes in our work.
  3. We implement any patterns: brick, diagonal, plank, etc.
  4. We carry out laying of tiles on any surfaces: showers, floors, walls, aprons, patios.
  5. We make installation of shower tray tiles, including all types of drainage systems.

Tile installation services by ABC Home Expert

Our company provides services for the installation of tiles by experienced turnkeyspecialists. A cladding made by a professional will last for many years and will not loseits original appearance. The wizards will help you make the correct calculations of therequired amount of materials, choose a manufacturer and a method of installation. ABCHome Expert carries out perfect masonry with a guarantee.

You can contact our specialists and consult with experienced craftsmen by calling one ofthe phone numbers indicated on the website or using the feedback form on the website.We are ready to carry out the required amount of work in any area of the city as soon aspossible.

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